Pretty interesting. Wish I’d seen this when I was in school!
Sorting Algorithms as Dances
Just another WordPress site
Pretty interesting. Wish I’d seen this when I was in school!
Sorting Algorithms as Dances
Added: FD Feedburner Plugin for WordPress to the plugins, configured it, and it’s all good now.
Why this was so hard? Because I kept trying to just edit sidebar.php with the correct information. Nooooo. It needed the plugin to make the magic happen. Who knew?
Thanks Jeremy!
and so it goes….
In the previous post I showed you how to use the find command. Find works on any Linux system. But it does require some effort.
I’ll show you another way to find files by name, with the locate command.
The first thing we have to do, is to install the command. It does not come standard on most Linux distributions. As always ymmv applies.
1. Let’s get started! First thing we want to do is install locate.
sudo apt-get install locate
This will install the locate command. But we are not quite finished. Locate uses a database, so we must first build the database. The database is updated daily. So additions you make during the day, won’t show up until the next day usually.
2. Here’s how to build the database:
sudo updatedb
This is going to take sometime, as it has to index every file. So be patient.
Made a lot of changes, and want to update the database now? You can run updatedb ad hoc (as needed). Just follow the step above.
Using our potato example from the previous post:
nwayno@Homer:~$ locate potato
/home/misc/oldwindows/wp51/recipes/stuffed baked potatoes.wp
/home/nwayno/recipes/stuffed baked potatoes.wp
/home/nwayno/wp51/recipes/stuffed baked potatoes.wp
Notice that it found ALL files that contained potato somewhere in the file. No wild cards needed. Neat, huh?
If you want any of the recipes, let me know!
This is a n00b question I am asked a lot.
Several ways to do this.
Easy way is to use the find command (search your directory)
The general format is: find path -name expression
find -name 'potato*'
The period (dot) at the beginning says the file is located in the currently logged in account.
You may be wondering about a couple of things:
1. Why does the search expression have SINGLE quotes?
That’s so we can search for a string with special characters in it.
2. Why do you have an asterisk (*) at the end of the search string?
That’s so it will match ANYTHING that starts with the word BEFORE the asterisk (*)
3. What if I want to search the entire hard drive?
sudo find / -name 'potato*'
/ indicates the root directory.
Now this does search the entire hard drive. The sudo is necessary because you have to have permission to read other directories other then your own.
Another method is to use locate. We’ll discuss that in another post.
How did you do? Did you find the file you were looking for?
Again NOT Linux
How to enable Closed Captioning in Hulu Plus on a Roku Box
It isn’t immediately obvious on just how to enable closed captioning content with Hulu Plus, on a Roku Box.
Let’s use the latest episode of House MD (Season 7 Episode 14 Recession Proof.)
You will only have about 2 seconds to do this, so MOVE quickly.
1. Once the episode is playing, hit the DOWN arrow.
2. A sub-menu will come up with: Stop / CC is OFF / Autoplay is OFF
3. Use the RIGHT arrow key to highlight: CC is OFF
4. Hit the OK button. CC is now turned on, and captioning information should display in the next few moments! This toggles off/on closed captioning.
Next on my list of things to figure out: How to do subscribing, and what does it gain me?
Nothing to do with Linux!
This information will be useful to those of us that are in the deaf/hard-of-hearing community:
At this link:
Find a DVD Recorder that does Closed Captioning
I learned that Analogue closed captioning is NOT necessarily passed along an HDMI connection. Although analogue captioning seems to function fine with my TIVO HD and an HDMI connection.
I bought this DVD recorder from Wally’s World (aka Walmart)
Magnavox MDR515H
And sure enough. No captioning!
I switched to component output instead of the HDMI cable, and I now have Analogue Closed Captioning goodness! Records and plays back as advertised!
This little tidbit was enough to make all the difference!
and so it goes….
this is pretty simple. (from actionparsnip on #ubuntu (freenode))
if you enter:
df -h
you will get something that looks like:
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 50G 20G 27G 43% /
none 934M 240K 933M 1% /dev
none 940M 716K 940M 1% /dev/shm
none 940M 260K 940M 1% /var/run
none 940M 4.0K 940M 1% /var/lock
/dev/sda4 834G 223G 570G 29% /home
/dev/sdc1 147G 90G 58G 61% /media/BFDNTFS
/dev/sdc2 773G 253G 481G 35% /media/bfdlinux
and that’s a lot easier to understand!
Ever had one of those Twilight Zone experiences? You know where something works one minute, but doesn’t the next? It’s like the universe just getting suxed into a black hole?
Okay well my experience wasn’t quite that dramatic, but this took over a year to figure out.
If I was locally connected to a machine, .bash_aliases worked fine. (.bash_aliases are user added aliases to the bash shell). But, if I ssh’d (secure shell) into the machine, it was like, huh? What are you talking about?
I fought this for a year.
So someone on ubuntu (yofel) said: “Hey, look at your .profile!”
So I did. Here’s what I got:
nwayno@Phoenix:~$ ls -l -t -r .bash*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nwayno nwayno 925 2007-05-20 00:45 .profile.old
-rw-r–r– 1 nwayno nwayno 675 2011-01-26 23:48 .profile
nwayno@Phoenix:~$ cat .profile.old
# Sample .profile for SuSE Linux
# rewritten by Christian Steinruecken
# This file is read each time a login shell is started.
# All other interactive shells will only read .bashrc; this is particularly
# important for language settings, see below.
Uh oh! SuSE .profile, on a Ubuntu machine? Who would have thought? So I renamed the .profile
copied it over from another machine (using scp)
logged out/back in again (to re-read .bashrc)
and TADA! .bash_aliases worked when I ssh’d into the box.
So, the lesson here is, if you change Linux distros, you will probably need to change the .profile file as well.
The weird flakiness is gone!
And so it goes….
Hi folks —
thought I’d take a moment to update you on a few things.
I live here in Tucson, Arizona, which over the last weekend, was the lightning rod for violence. So much so, that President Obama will be here later today. For those not familiar I’ll re-post the article I wrote (from my face book account)
Latest on Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords
by Wayno Guerrini on Saturday, 08 January 2011 at 18:57
Information continues to pour into Tucson in pieces regarding today’s shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D/Az/8th CD). A total of 6 people were killed today, including one child, a girl age 9.
Suspect Jared Lee Loughner was arrested shortly after the shooting. His entries on youtube and myspace paint the portrait of a disturbed young man, who is at the centre of this tragedy.
Amongst those killed today were Federal Judge John Roll. Judge Roll had received death threats in 2009 for certifying a law suit against an Arizona Rancher, brought by il-legal immigrants.
In a televised interview with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, he stated that in his opinion, today’s actions were part of a conspiracy. He later stated that a semi-automatic weapon (calibre NOT disclosed) had been used.
Dr. Peter Rhee, the head trauma surgeon at UMC in a news conference earlier said that the bullet passed through and out of Giffords head. Representative Giffords remains hospitalised at University Medical Centre this evening, and is expected the make a full recovery. Other victims were taken to St. Joseph’s and St. Mary’s Hospitals here in Tucson.
People who were holding a vigil for Congresswoman Giffords near her office at the intersections of Pima and Swan, found a package and were cleared from the area, as police investigate the scene. No further information is available.
Meanwhile, Tucson Police Department Chief Roberto Villasenor has stated that some officials, like Giffords neighbour to the north, Congressman Raul Griljalva (D/Az/7th CD) have been extended police protection.
Governor Jan Brewer (R/Az) has ordered ALL flags at half staff.
Wayno Guerrini
Great article (with examples)
How to Send Desktop Notifications on Ubuntu using notify-send
Thanks Joe!
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