Usually when a new release of software comes out, I am game for giving it a fair trial. I downloaded the iso for 32 bit Natty (Ubuntu 11.04), put it on a flash drive and took it out for a test drive. Within 3 minutes, I had broken Unity, without trying. The livecd does NOT […]
Second look at Ubuntu’s Unity Interface (for Natty Narwhal) 11.04
Posted by Wayno Published in gnome, Natty, netbook, Skill Level: Medium29
Got this awesome error message while trying to watch this week’s episode (910) of hak5 on my roku box Seems like someone from Microsoft might have written this. ;=) Wayno
Jeremy taught me how to do permalinks for this blog, that will be more meaningful then the ?=xxx I had been using. That is pretty cryptic! Who knew? Thanks Jeremy Wayno
Simple annotated bash script to zap a user
Posted by Wayno Published in bash, Joe, Skill Level: AdvancedThis is a really simple script, but it underscores some key concepts here. Variable assignments, while statements, checking for null input, reading input from the terminal, comparing strings, etc. I tried to annotate this script so you could follow along the major concepts. This is pretty basic, and so are the concepts, but I hope […]
It is interesting to show how Linux evolved and changed over the years. Gnu/Linux Distro timeline Wayno
Pretty interesting. Wish I’d seen this when I was in school! Sorting Algorithms as Dances Wayno
How to display only unread messages in Mozilla Thunderbird
Posted by Wayno Published in Skill Level: Easy, ThunderbirdI had to schlep around for this. How to display only unread messages in Mozilla Thunderbird Wayno
Yeah! Added: FD Feedburner Plugin for WordPress to the plugins, configured it, and it’s all good now. Why this was so hard? Because I kept trying to just edit sidebar.php with the correct information. Nooooo. It needed the plugin to make the magic happen. Who knew? Thanks Jeremy! and so it goes…. Wayno
First Look: Unity for Natty Narwhal (Ubuntu 11.04)
Posted by Wayno Published in Natty, Skill Level: MediumYOU MIGHT WANT TO READ: SECOND LOOK AT UNITY for Natty Narwhal FOR UPDATED INFORMATION. ========= NOTE: ALL THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS ARE OFF THE UBUNTU 11.04 LIVECD (BETA1) Wow! If you remember my First Review of Ubuntu’s Unity interface, I was very critical. While it still needs some work, vast improvements have been made. As […]
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