This is one of those things, I sort of take for granted. It was asked on #ubuntu (
bash aliases
What’s an alias you say? An alias is a short form of a long command string for the bash terminal.
so how do you make it work?
1. edit the file .bashrc (using like gedit)
Remember that anything with a number sign (# or octothorpe) is a comment, and does NOT need to be coded.
cp .bashrc .bashrc.bkup # make a backup copy first!
gedit .bashrc
yes the peroid (.) at the beginning fo the file, is significant! The period (.) at the beginning of the file, tells us it is a hidden file.
2. find and uncomment the lines:
# enable bash_aliases by uncom the next 3 lines GU 12/1/2008
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
That will enable you to put user written aliases into a separate file called: .bash_aliases. Save and exit.
3. My .bash_aliases looks like this (again created .bash_aliases with the editor of your choice)
Note that if you already have a .bash_aliases file, you should backup that up first.
cp .bash_aliases .bash_aliases.bkup # make a backup copy first
gedit .bash_aliases
# note that when you see the # in a command it is a comment and
# does NOT need to be coded
alias ltr=’ls -l -t -r’ # ls command: long, sort by mod date, rev order
alias logc=’tail -150 /var/log/messages | more’ # tail last 150 lines of log
alias logdebug=’tail -f /var/log/messages’ # opens log in debug mode
alias ftplog=’sudo tail -150 /var/log/vsftpd.log | more’ # look at ftp log
alias sshmnd=’ssh -X lou@annlou’ # ssh into folks computer
alias clr=’clear’ # clear the screen
alias startvnc=’x11vnc -usepw -display :0′ # start vnc server
you can see typing those commands are pretty long.
the format is always:
alias (alias name)=’command strong’
the single quote marks ARE important.
So if I wanted to start my vnc server, instead of a long string, i’d just type:
and everything after the equal sign (=) is then substituted.
Pretty neat!
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[…] a previous article we talked about enabling .bash_aliases. Now here’s some aliases you can […]
It’s not mandatory to logout for changes to take effect. You can type
source ~/.bashrc
and it will activate changes without closing your current session
Absolutely correct. Thanks for the tip!
or even with $. .bashrc
i wondered about the single quotes, and still do… i have used them and maintained using ‘ where ” is represented alot…everywhere! and it works as well. so the big question, i guess lol, is: why single over double quotes? 🙂
If you use double quotes, you can have aliases inside other aliases.
Also, it is a good habit to use a namespace pattern in your aliases. I proceed all mine with an underscore. This way, I don’t accidentally override something that already exists.